Breaking: New Zealand Government to End All COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates and to start Inquiry on how the country handled the pandemic
Plus, A national interest test will also be conducted before New Zealand accepts any deal with the United Nations. Should Canada do the same ? #ExitTheWHO
Related video from New Zealand: NZ - Senator Ralph Babet talks about global control:
Following on topic of #ExitTheWHO, as well as on the topic discussed at the latest National Citizen Inquiry’s panel last week (If you have not watch it yet, you should. Topic: Emergency Management: The Destruction of Our Institutions During the COVID-19 Response, You watch it from here) and ahead of the National Citizen Inquiry final report presentation that will be presented this week (on Tuesday), there’s also very much related news from New Zealand .
Briefed from another substack article.

The incoming New Zealand government, under Prime Minister-elect Christopher Luxon, has brokered a historic deal with New Zealand First, led by Winston Peters, to terminate all COVID-19 vaccine mandates and establish an inquiry into the pandemic.
Following weeks of negotiations, a coalition agreement has been established between the National Party, libertarian ACT New Zealand, and nationalist NZ First to form a new government.
In the agreement, the parties have agreed to "end all COVID-19 vaccine mandates still in operation."
In addition to ending vaccine mandates, an urgent and comprehensive independent COVID-19 inquiry will be conducted, featuring both local and international experts.
The inquiry will look into how the COVID-19 pandemic was handled in New Zealand, including the use of multiple lockdowns and the efficiency of vaccine procurement.
A national interest test will also be conducted before New Zealand accepts any deal with the United Nations.
New Zealand’s new tri-party coalition government has flexed its nationalist muscle with plans to implement a “national interest test” that will be applied to any prospective agreements with the United Nations (UN), and related bodies.
The new government's stance comes as the May 2024 deadline looms for UN member states—of which New Zealand is a member—to adopt a legally binding global treaty, also known as the UN’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, touted to “protect and promote people’s health.”
The Pandemic Treaty has faced scrutiny around the world due to the wording of its draft, which would make the treaty binding on all signatories.
The draft also calls for the World Health Organisation (WHO) to be the central coordination authority for future international health responses, particularly after the COVID pandemic.
The “national interest test” proposed by New Zealand’s newly formed coalition—including the National Party, ACT, and NZ First—will be applied before accepting any “agreements from the UN and its agencies that limit national decision-making and reconfirm that New Zealand's domestic law holds primacy over any international agreements.”
The Pandemic Treaty is one example of a UN agreement.
Currently, a “national interest assessment” is applied to overseas investments and is vetted by the finance minister as to whether aligns with New Zealand’s interest.