Federal Survey on "Advance Directives for MAiD" is out. Take a moment to fill it out!
Deadline: February 14th, 2025
The federal gov’t is currently surveying the public to gauge the interest for the "Advance Directives for MAiD" Initiative. According to this new initiative, if you believe that you will be not in capacity to decide in the future, you can apply for MAiD now. So, it if a Doctor tells you, in 5 years <insert diagnosis here>, you can sign your life away, literally, do have MAID at a future date.
More information is below. The survey is available at the following link:
Complete the Federal Survey - https://surveys.hkperspectives.com/s3/7a646ae06450EN
Take a moment to fill it out to make your voice heard.
Additional background and a sample response
This October, Québec implemented a law allowing advance directives for MAiD for patients with capacity-limiting illnesses. This means people can choose MAiD in advance, based on assumptions of how they think they'll feel later. It's like asking a kid what they want to be when they grow up and assuming they'll feel the same when they're older.
While acknowledging that this is not in alignment with the Criminal Code, the Federal government has opted not to challenge Québec's legislation and instead is launching a series of consultations, including a survey which is available until February 14th, 2025.
There are certain questions that presuppose answers and that makes it difficult to complete the questionnaire and get your viewpoint across.
Attached is our sample response to the public survey being run by the Federal government. However, please use your own words when completing the survey.
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