FOI: 2,140 Pages of Reports about Deaths from COVID-19 vaccines, obtained from Government. These are just the ones reported. How Canada prepares for more of such deaths: new budget & new advertisement
This and other evidence added to
UPDATED: Appendix is added with screenshots of ATIP response pages documenting deaths after COVID-19 vaccines.
Part 1: What does Canada know about deaths from covid vaccines?
ATIP Req # A-2023-000085
“All individual reports with an outcome of death submitted by provincial health ministries, hospitals, product manufacturers or any other party, that are causally, indeterminately, inconsistently, unclassifiably or temporally associated with receipt of any COVID-19 vaccine. Dates: 1 Mar 2020 - April 20, 2023”
Organization: Health Canada
PDF - originally provided by The Canadian Independent: at Google Drive, one 2,140 pages long (281) Mb file.
Folder - provided by Freedom of Information Canadian Library: full 2,140 pages (281 Mb) file, and shorter 100-pages long (15 MB) splits from it, seachable and viewable directly from the remote site.
As obtained by The Canadian Independent, a Canadian Freedom of Information Request has resulted in a response containing 2,140 pages of reports containing information about deaths from COVID-19 vaccinations.
I invite every Canadian to download this ATIP response from links above and read with your own eyes what is written there - how many, almost never-ending summaries of someone’s life being tragically cut short following the administration of the jab… The picture below shows just one of such summaries. And there are hundreds of them there (Appendix provided a few more). I could barely keep my emotions from crying as I’ve been reading them - page after page, life after life, for several days, and it is like never-ending, several of young age and with no previous medical conditions…
They knew it from the very beginning. This is why they started using “Winning Communication Strategies” to disallow the public to see the full story - supposedly under the pretext not to cause “vaccine hesitancy”, because “the benefit of these vaccines significantly outweighs the risks”.
And the question that keeps fretting my mind all this time -
How did they (HC and PHAC) prove that these vaccines saved many more lives than they killed? Did they prove it using modelling, which we know now many were fraudulent? or Did they prove it using actual post-marketing “cases following vaccination” data, which we know showed the opposite?
and most importantly -
How many more of these deaths does Canada need to count until it stops saying that “the benefit of these vaccines significantly outweighs the risks”?
I can wait for the answers to these questions. But I cannot wait and remain silent about them and about all these life tragedies that happened since the rollout of COVID vaccines - because it could have happened to me or my family, and because it can still happen to me and my family if such vaccines are again mandated and their severe side effects are not properly scrutinized and addressed.
So I will keep tracking all such evidence that is not widely discussed in legacy media in my portal - at
An in meanwhile, in Appendix I’ve added screenshots of ATIP response pages documenting deaths after COVID-19 vaccines.
PART 2: How does Canada prepare itself in the face of what it knows about the safety (or lack thereof) of COVID vaccines?
Another proof that the Government of Canada knows that COVID vaccines do cause severe adverse reactions is seen from the fact that the Canadian Government has allocated 36 million dollars for vaccine injuries for the next 2 years in Canada.
Discussion: By The Canadian Independent here and Dr. Byram Bridle here.
And perhaps yet another proof that many hospitals have already noticed a drastic increase in heart failures in young people recentlyis also seen the following advertisement made by Toronto’s Sick Kids Hospital. Apparently, they’ve been showing it in movie theatres and elsewhere over the past few weeks, in various lengths.
Don’t Be Surprised When You See Young Men Having Heart Attacks - It’s now the New Normal. Watch the video and share with others
Thank you. The file is too big to preview. Suggestions?
Thank you for posting this data - just a question about the sample reaction you posted in this article. When it says the date is unknown, is that because it is unknown or just a way to redacted the date?