How many Canadians and people around the globe believe and support Russia more than Ukraine, even in face of war crimes Russia is committing? Why? What can be done about that? Nine pillars to act.
My blueprint on what we can do to help stop Russian aggression in Ukraine (evergreen document)
Preface: The question and my personal ties both sides of the conflict
How many Canadians and people around the globe believe and support Russia more than Ukraine now as the world’s largest war conflict since WWII is exacerbating almost every day?
The answer to this question shows how polarized Canada and World is becoming. It may be shocking for those who read and believe here official news media only (except for those who read and believe Russia’s official news media, of course). And will be even more shocking and terribly painful to millions of Ukrainians who no longer can sleep at night, who had their relatives killed or displaced, who have been displaced, who had their houses and lives ruined by Russian invasion. This includes many of my own family members and friends. (To provide complete picture, I also have many relatives and friends in Russia, whose stories I’ll share in future newsletters)

Looking at the horrors of the war in the pictures above (I have chosen only a few from places where I have very close personal connections), one could wonder - How on Earth could it be possible that there are some people in Canada and other countries who support Russia now in such horrendous war crimes against humanity?!
In fact, it’s very simple. Every country has its own problem - however many more especially since last year (and you know why). This includes high inflation, massive loss of jobs, travel restrictions, and, particularly worrisome, higher than normal death rate among young people (which you won’t hear much about in MSM, but which has been now also reported on the Statistics Canada’s mortality dashboard) and discrimination against ‘unvaccinated’ (which again you won’t hear much about in MSM but which the new prime-minister of Alberta referred to as the “largest she saw in her lifetime”.)
What I found of much surprise and concern by talking to the affected by vaccination mandates people is that many (if not most) of them believe in the following two points.
Two main beliefs that lead people in Canada and other countries to believe and support Russia more than Ukraine:
First: War in Ukraine is not real or is not as bad as it portrayed by official mainstream media (MSM). Maybe there is indeed some kind of “military operation” (which is how Russia calls it), but it is of insignificant scale or one of those local conflicts (like in Israel - Palestine conflict, or many others, of which, unfortunately, there are many across the globe. Many people lost trust official MSM, in particular, after seeing how biased it has become recently in its coverage of local events in Canada (you know which ones I’m talking about). People simply no longer believe any of those images shown in TV or Google, like the ones I reproduced above. Indeed, if you live so far from war zone, how would you know what is true and what is not, and your personal experience tells you against beliving official MSM?..
It could be only after I personally tell them what I know about the situation in Ukraine from my relatives and friends that they would accept my version of the story and they may change their opinion, and only if they personally know me by that time well enough (from my support for democratic protests and the Open Data Apps that I helped to develop in support of transparency) to have trust in what I’m saying.
Second: The root problem of all their problems is seen (by majority of them) in the implementation of the the globalist agenda that is being developed by WEF (World Economic Forum), also known as New World Order (NWO) and “Great Reset” (which can be treated as the WEF Blueprint on how to save the planet), and they see Russia the only force that is currently opposing WEF.
Related to the above, they think of Ukraine as WEF’s main client (or test platform) for implementation of WEF’s many technological ideas (which is partially true, because of very good educational /scientific capacity of the country and it needing investing into its growing economy to become independent from Russia). Similarly, they think of Zelensky (as WEF agenda supporter or almost as WEF’s puppet)
Naturally, they are not aware of the historical background - such as similar pre-cursor Russian invasions into other post-Soviet countries (Moldova, Georgia, Baltic republics) under the same presumption (to “protect Russians from facsicts and nationists”, and historically promoted denial and disrespect of Ukrainian existence by Russian government coming back from XIX century.
They also believe in many myths (why not? ) created by Russian media about Ukraine (the main of which is that Russian-speaking Ukrainians are “Russians” who are hated and killed by “nationalists” , “nazy”, “fascists” Ukrainians .
Again, it would be only after I personally tell them that I’m Ukrainian but my mother tongue is Russian (as it is for all my relatives and friends mentioned in the pictures above), that they would realize that such myth was likely the product of Russian war propaganda.
In my next newsletters I’m going to cover more on that and other myths about Ukraine as well as about Russia. Here I’d like to simply conclude by stating that it is easy, in fact, to estimate the number of people who support Russia. -
It can be estimated (very roughly, of course) as the percentage of people who are against mandatory vaccination (i.e. ‘unvaccinated”+ partially vaccinated + not up-to-date vaccinated), which - according to Government sources (see, for example, latest charts here) - is around 7 million or about 1/5 of Canadian population and which could be extrapolated to 1/5 of the world. (This is in no way to say that all “unvaccinated” believe Russia more than Ukraine, and vise versa - that all “vaccinated” believe Ukraine more than Russia. This is simply to put some very rough number in order to articulate the problem)
Equally, it should be easy to understand now what needs to be done to make sure that even those people who have lost their jobs and trust in media and who do not share WEF vision for the better future, do not support Russian aggregation and help Ukraine to become again a safe county to live. This what needs to be done.
Blueprint: Nine pillars for action
Countries should show more care for those who have been affected since last year, specifically those discriminated because of mandates.
Countries should encourage media to be less biased, less pro-government, more pro-people, making sure that discriminated communities have voice in local media.
It can be shown that Putin was “happy” (in his own words) to deal with and be a partner of WEF, way before Zelensky said the same - just watch some official WEF video coverage on that in Appendix below (from 2007 and last year)
Updated (2022-10-18): See also 10 Reasons to Question the ‘Putin vs Davos/ World Economic Forum’ NarrativeIt can also be reminded that it was Russia, who was the first country to start vaccination of its citizen with it’s own V-Sputnik covid vaccine, which was approved even faster (one approval stage less) than Pfizer, Moderna and other vaccines, and there were also mass protests among Russian population across the country against forceful vaccination (I’ll find you videos on that later).
The relationship or dependency of each country’s government on WEF agenda may need to be reconsidered, or made, at least, transparent - so that it can be challenged if needed through the democratic processes. This is not to say that WEF agenda is necessary bad, but to say that open discussion about it should be allowed.
The awareness should be promoted that Russia is not only Putin and his supporters. There are many great peace-making pro-democracy Russians (now in exile and in jails), like my friend and class-mate economist Sergey Guriev (his channel), political leader Navalny and his team (channel), other well-known journalists (channel), and many other Russian intellectuals, writers, musicians, many of whom I follow and some of whom I know personally, and which I can tell you more about in future letters.
Updated (2022-10-18): See Russian Anti-War Committee portal and efforts by Russian people who oppose the war unleashed by Putin, who oppose the dictatorship in Russia and who support the unity of anti-war and pro-democracy Russians.Equally, we may promote outside of Ukraine the works of many great Russian-speaking Ukrainians (NB: not Russians, but Ukrainians, Russian-speaking Ukrainians!). This is also what I’d like to be doing, as I personally know many, including one of the most known in Russian speaking world phantasy writers, close friends of mine, Maryna and Sergey Dyachenko.
It needs to be understood that Ukraine is as bilingual as Canada (or even more), where people were always at ease talking to each in the language of their choice (except now, of course, during the war, when Ukrainian language has become a symbol of fight for Freedom and is also used to identify Russian-military infiltrators-aggressors)We need to provide more historical background and explain the true motivation, talent and courage of Ukrainians and in particular Zelensky, in their efforts to build a free and prosperous country in face of enormous challenges coming from Russia influences in the East and WEF, IMF (International Money Fund), USA influences in the West. I will to try to help with this part too, leveraging the work done by my colleagues in uOttawa Chair of Ukrainians Studies who have recently presented a great Research Seminar dedicated to Ukraine at War, which you can watch here.
Finally, we need to promote the development of such an educational and cultural system in our country that helps its population - especially young growing population - to become critical thinkers who appreciate differences in opinion, who want and can safely exercise their freedom of expression, and reject indoctrination that seeds intolerance and hostility towards people who think differently. This is the topic of the highest priority now as school trustee elections are coming within next few weeks across the country.
Mainly, Ukrainians just want to be free (more like free Koreans in South Korea, rather than like “free” Koreans in North Korea). Ukrainians have already tasted the wind of change and freedom coming from neighboring post-socialist countrieswho are now part of EU. They do not want to become again a part of another Cold War kind totalitarian regime like what Russia is aggressively becoming (even though for many of Ukrainians Russian is mother tongue.) And we all - here in Canada and elsewhere - can help them to achieve that, while also helping own counties through restoration of trust and dialog.
This is why I’ve restarted writing Newsletter. If you have not read my yesterday’s Welcome issue, here it is. Please subscribe and share. Perhaps also bookmark this issue for your future reference, as it has many important points and links, which will also be updated as needed.