Me on CBC. Quand le jazz est là...
I used to love reading and watching CBC. It was also great being featured there... Not anymore. But I still love listening to the great music that is played there.
(Note: You can click on links for more images and stories on any of the mentioned subjects.)
I remember when I came to Canada back in 1995 (to study AI at the University of Alberta in Edmonton) I fell in love with CBC. I was learning English from them, listening music, watching the news and shows.
Then, when I moved to Ottawa in 2000 (to work at National Research Council of Canada - first on Canadarm, then on world-first video recognition systems (face recognition and pianist hands tracking, Nouse (nose as mouse) technology for people with disabilities), I started to learn French, and naturally got even more appreciation for the French version of CBC, known as
What an honour it was then for me to be featured in CBC, first in 2004 and then again in 2007 with the technology I developed at NRC.
Every morning - for more than ten years - on my way to work, I would listen The Current with Anna Maria Tremonti - probably one of the best Canadian journalists of all times, along with Rex Murphy, who is still (since 1995 when I first saw him on TV) inspiring me with his most professional non-compromising reports on the topics that are the highest importance to Canada - just read his latest story about Jordan Peterson and CBC, for example.
Back to the story … Then, just on the weekend when Convoy arrived to Ottawa, CBC came to our neighborhood and made a feature story about the Ice Water dipping activity that we have initiated here on the East side of Ottawa with my wife since the beginning of pandemic.

And it all has changed abruptly - with the arrival of Freedom Convoy, when I saw with my own eyes how perversely they “covered” everything that was related to it (even before they have arrived and after)…
I remember - I wanted to go to check it out myself who were these “Freedom Convoy” people who were coming to Ottawa from all over the country . But, as I was listening to CBC, I started thinking that maybe this was a bad idea because - according to CBC - these were very bad and very dangerous kind of people, that I could risk my life or discredit myself by going there (Forgive my simple English here - that’s not type of lexicon I aim to learn). But then, I went there, and saw and met so many beautiful, most dedicated, most loving, courageous, Canadians ! (not counting, of course, 1-5% of those with bad signs, whom you would always find in any big crowd event, and whom were exactly what CBC would be focusing their story on.)
It was then when I realized what CBC were actually doing - They were doing exactly what the newspapers and TV did in the USSR where I lived before coming to Canada - they were spreading political propaganda.
So, this is when I started paying attention to what they are saying, and the more I listened and compared to the facts, the more I have come to realize that Canada, in fact, is becoming more like Soviet Union - in terms of how it uses main stream channels and persecutes any other alternative discourse sources of information.
I’m not going to list here all the of blunt lies that I’ve heard at CBC about Convoy and other related topics. But here are just a few:
[ I was going to compile the list of the CBC lies here… but then just saw this beautiful video on Twitter, and realized that showing it would be enough…]

But, I still love their Quand le jazz est là avec Stanley Péan and listen to it any time I can. This is the best music program I know, after another one, very similar type of program on Ukrainian radio, called ‘Hour of meloman” (Година меломана з Олексієм Коганом).
As you know, music does not have borders. So, If you love good music - you will greatly enjoy listening to it from both of these two online sources linked above.
For example, this week on Ukrainian’s ‘Hour of meloman” program, you can hear two hours of music dedicated to Antonio Carlos Jobim (whom I love so much that I made my own interpretation of my favorite Jobim’s songs in Russian and Ukrainian, which you can find on, and last week it was a tribute to Cuban music. -
Just click on the links below to listen to this beautiful music and also hear some Ukrainian language - which also sounds quite nice…
01.02.2023 21:00:13 - Промінь
Година меломана з Олексієм Коганом
- Трибьют to A C Jobim. Грають майстри. Коментує - Коган. ч.2
01.02.2023 20:00:13- Промінь
Година меломана з Олексієм Коганом
- Трибьют to A C Jobim. Грають майстри. Коментує - Коган. ч.1
24.01.2023 20:00:13- Промінь
Година меломана з Олексієм Коганом
Viva Cuba. Грають майстри. Коментує - Коган. ч.2
24.01.2023 19:06:02- Промінь
Well said Dmitry. My attitude about the CBC also abruptly changed when the convoy arrived and the CBC seemed to turn into a propaganda arm of the government. I am now firmly in the "Defund the CBC" camp. We can find better uses for a billion dollars!
Great perspective - and to the cold defying gymnast - touche et bien fait!