New Year 2024 Address to All Canadians: P.S. (VIDEO)
The year when the House of Cards will start falling. On progress, power, how to find out who is who, and how to play this game.
Dear all, Happy New Year 2024!
It happened. Now it’s your turn - to make Canada better. This is how. This is the second part of my New Year address.
If you have not watched the first part, please watch it from the post linked below.
For those who already watched it, please note that it was shortened from 15 min to 12 min - so you are the only lucky ones who have seen it in its full entirety :). It was also transcribed in both English and French - so you can now also share it with your francophone friends.
VIDEO (3 min):
Key references:
UK MP Andrew Bridgen Christmas Address (starting from 1:11 mark) about the Debate on Excess Deaths on 16th of January in UK Parliament
Petition for the vote of on confidence with historical record (387K) of signatures:
Foundational Principles Pledge - Canada:
Petition to withdraw Canada from WHO (63 K as of 1 Jan 2024, Closes: 7 Feb 2023):
“How to Determine if Your Country is Driven by Propaganda?” - Lessons I’ve learnt living in Soviet Union
My professional background on biometric systems performance evaluation and and its relationship to vaccines performance evaluation:

What I'm trying to say here is - this year 2024 is the time when this House of Cards will start falling. You cannot keep the House of Cards for too long because it is based on intimidation, on keeping the truth away from the public, and it cannot go forever.
Eventually, the truth will come out, and all we have to do is to play it very carefully. Please respect each other. Please listen to each other.
It is very important not that you are right but to understand their questions, where they're coming from. This is why I'm saying to all my friends who are concerned about what is happening in Canada and everywhere, please allow your neighbors, your relatives to ask you questions. The very fact that they're asking questions and even discussing these issues of concern to you is very good. You should be grateful for them to express in some of their questions.
And this is where I would like to say something which some people may not like, but I think it's very important to understand that there are things which we may not like or which we may like, but they're happening.
One thing is progress, progress of humanity. We cannot stop the progress, whether we like it or not. People in all areas of science are doing their best to improve something. But then there will be people who will try to use the innovations for the betterment of humanity and for profit. It has always been the case. There will be people who would like to make a profit of every good thing which has been developed by humans. This includes nuclear power. This includes vaccines. This includes maybe some food or medicine.
So this is a very subtle topic. I believe most people, 90%, are driven by the desire to be good and serve our planet in a good way. So let's listen to each other. Let's understand that there is a minority of individuals who are driven by power, by money, by businesses, and they will try to hide the truth for as long as possible. The truth which goes against their objectives to become rich, to grab more power.
So this is your litmus test: who is hiding the truth, who is trying to delay the debate, who is not allowing discussions? So this is your litmus test on who is on which side of the truth.
By saying that again, Merry Christmas everyone for those who are still celebrating it, for example, Ukrainians, Orthodox Christians. Good holidays for everyone. Just have good holidays with your family and happy New Year. It will bring good news to all of us. You will see Canada will be changing. It will be coming transparent, stronger. People will respect each other better and will respect the cultural differences and contributions from different cultures. Happy New Year, everyone!
And for those interested in my artistic and Life journey stories, you are welcome to subscribe to my Complementary (MIVI) substack called “Fidget spinner in the sky™”. Why it is called so is in this Prelude article.