PCO memo recommended managing COVID vaccine-related injuries or deaths with "winning communication strategies". Is that how they define "misinformation"? More data evidence.
Plus, one image that tells it all about Excess deaths among children after vaccination. Also, a tragic story of one of these children, whose death has been proven to be from vaccine.
Note to Government of Canada employees:
Please read the post linked below to understand how to utilize the information provided in this article while ensuring the security of your employment:
In my latest post (linked below), I highlighted a crucial fact regarding a Privy Council Office memo that was conveyed to the Prime Minister in May 2021, five months after the vaccine rollout in Canada. The memo listed 20,428 reports of "serious adverse events, including deaths, and recommended managing COVID vaccine-related injuries or deaths with "winning communication strategies" to "avoid undermining public confidence." The memo also included an example of a data presentation technique that skewed the messaging towards the desired narrative]
In memory of young Canadians who unexpectedly died since January 2022: Part 1 (page is being created)
In providing the above quotes, I forgot to include the link to the source., where I found this shocking news. So here it is:
Additionally, I am including the link to the response to the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) request mentioned in the article: https://open.canada.ca/en/search/ati/reference/d347262291a2d01f94435c5719daa774.
Alternatively, you can simply visit https://open.canada.ca/en/search/ati and search “covid privy”, sorting the results by date. The response you are looking for is one of the most recent entries. If you wish, you can request a copy of this response from that page.
Now, let me explain why I find this news one of the most shocking revelations I ever had in my life in Canada.
Do you recall the recent meeting between our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the German Chancellor with students at uOttawa in April 2023? During this event, a political science student asked the Prime Minister about his definitions of misinformation and disinformation. In his response, the Prime Minister provided "clear" definitions of these significant terms, although he inadvertently mixed up the definitions while answering the question.
If you haven't seen the video of this meeting, I highly recommend it. It contains a wealth of valuable thoughts and quotes that can be utilized in discussions surrounding these important issues. I have posted the video, along with its transcript, in this in this post:
In Prime Minister's own words...
During that meeting, the Prime Minister specifically defined "disinformation" as the deliberate creation or manipulation of news with the intention to mislead people.
“disinformation is a deliberate choice to spread and share falsehoods for a particular purpose, whether it's a personal purpose or a political purpose or a creating chaos purpose” (Justin Trudeau)
Don’t you think that is precisely what the PCO memo recommended the government to do?
Essentially, the PCO memo seems to employ a political euphemism, instructing the government to employ a "winning communication strategy" that may involve concealing or distorting important facts in order to favour a specific predetermined narrative regarding COVID-19 vaccines. Would you agree that this can be seen as a form of "disinforming" the Canadian public on these matters?
What implications does this revelation have for everything that the government has published or communicated regarding the COVID vaccines?
Let's take a moment to reflect on this in light of the PCO memo's recommendations that have come to light recently through the Access to Information Act.
Here are the questions we want to answer:
How did the government communicate deaths related to COVID vaccines, especially considering that, according to the PCO memo, there have been deaths already within the first five months of vaccination?
And specifically:How did official sources explain the key insight published by Statistics Canada in September 2022 (nine months after the fact) which revealed the sudden increase in deaths among young people and children since January 2022, coinciding with the enforcement of COVID vaccination for this population?
To gain a better understanding, let's examine when this increase specifically started for children and its magnitude.
While Canada does not publish deaths specifically for children, we know that they are part of a larger group of excess deaths that began increasing towards the end of 2021. This trend is particularly noticeable in western provinces, as depicted in image below from the Open Canada Statistics Tracker on OpenCanada.info.
The excess deaths graphs for Canada closely resemble those in other countries, such as the one shown below from a research paper published in Europe.
In order, to investigate the situation specific to children, we can turn to countries like England, which publishes such data for the 0-24 age group here. Assuming that children in England and Canada are physiologically similar, this allows us to observe the actual situation regarding children's deaths during different periods of the pandemic.
One image that tells the whole story:
The image below encapsulates the entire story, making it a powerful visual representation. In fact, if there is ever a need for you to convey the entire story with just one image, this would be it.
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Excess mortality in England
Additional references:
Excess mortality: Deaths from all causes compared to average over previous years from ourworldindata.org
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) : OECD.Stat Mortality, by week: Excess deaths by week, 2020-2023
What does the image with data from England reveal? The following:
Prior to the start of vaccination (2020-2021), children were dying less than expected.
After the commencement of vaccination (from 2022 onwards), children began dying significantly more than expected, and these deaths were not attributed to COVID-19.
Many deaths is just the statistics. One death is a tragedy. Below, I’m sharing just one of the many heartbreaking stories of children that contribute to the statistics shown above. Based on Statistics Canada data, there could be dozens of children, like the one in this particular story that garnered attention in the news, who tragically pass away every week in Canada. These stories may not be well known but each of them reminds us of the profound impact these losses have on families and communities.
One story of a child killed by the vaccine:
Source: Canadian dad says US doctor confirmed his 17-year-old son was killed by the COVID vaccine - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/canadian-dad-says-us-doctor-confirmed-his-17-year-old-son-was-killed-by-the-covid-vaccine/
In a recent social media video update, the now-deceased boy's father Dan said that American pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole confirmed his son (pictured in image below) died from the COVID shot after finding evidence of spike proteins present in his adrenal glands.
The pictures of many other children who unexpectedly and so tragically died since January 2022 are posted on www.whocantellmethetruth.ca portal.
Examples of “Winning communication strategies”: How Statistics Canada explained the Recent Key Insight
Originally, when Statistics Canada’s excess mortality dashboard released their “Recent key insight” in September 2022 (nine months after the fact), they did not provide a specific explanation for the increase in excess deaths among young individuals starting in January 2022. Instead, the information was presented in a manner that would create an association between these deaths and the presence of the Omicron variant in Canada at that time.
This seem like a great “winning communication strategy”, considering that according to the same Statistics Canada data, there were very few young people who died from Omicron, is not it?
Five months later, when Statistics Canada updated the page (refer to: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2021028-eng.htm), they presented a comprehensive list of potential factors contributing to the increase in excess deaths among young individuals. Notably, they did not specifically mention anything related to government policies and actions, including vaccines.
This also seems like a great “winning communication strategy”, isn’t it?
Recent key insight: National trends
Prior to the emergence of the Omicron variant of COVID‑19, four significant periods of excess mortality were observed nationally since the start of the pandemic. From March 2020 to June 2020, followed by a longer period of excess deaths from September 2020 to February 2021. There was a shorter period experienced in May 2021, and another coinciding with the emergence of the Delta variant, from July 2021 to December 2021. While in general, these four periods have coincided with higher numbers of deaths due directly to COVID‑19, excess mortality could be affected because of various other factors, including delayed medical procedures, increased harms related to substance use, or changes in the prevalence of other diseases and medical conditions. For example, in the early summer of 2021, Alberta and British Columbia experienced a heat dome which coincided with more than 3,500 deaths in the two provinces over a two-week period ending July 10.
Finally, the easiest “winning communication strategy" is simply to refrain from communicating any information that contradicts the predetermined narrative or to delay its communication for as long as possible. This is evident from the publication lag and the lack of attention given to this topic in official channels.
To recap, in this article, we have observed several "winning communication strategies" employed in relation to communicating unexpected deaths among young Canadians since the start of vaccinations:
Silencing or downplaying inconvenient data and disallowing public discourse or debate on the matter.
Associating all unexpected deaths with COVID-19, potentially diverting attention from other contributing factors.
Providing a list of possible reasons for the increase in deaths, excluding those directly related to government actions and policies, such as lockdowns and mandates.
The remaining questions are: What other "winning communication strategies" may have been utilized to conceal the truth regarding the causes of deaths in our country, and what does the criminal code of Canada say about such strategies?
Final note
It is important to recognize that multiple factors can contribute to each individual death. I am not stating that all sudden or unexpected deaths that have occurred in significant numbers in various countries, including Canada, with the administration of COVID vaccines are necessarily related to the vaccines themselves.
There are numerous other factors to consider, including the impact of psychological health due to lockdowns, job losses, isolation, not being able to put food on the able witnessing the suffering and loss of loved ones during the pandemic, as well as the effects of conflicts such as the war in Ukraine.
All of these factors are definitely playing a role for older and immuno-compromised population. However, the same cannot be said for healthy children like this young hockey player, Sean Hartman, who died of a heart attack, because he simply wanted to play hockey and was forced to take a vaccine in order to continue playing.
Those who know that they are implicated in sudden deaths among children will do everything they could to hide the tragic truth from public attention. It is up to others to make sure that the truth is known and everyone implicated is held accountable
To recap, it is clear that not all of the reasons behind the tragic unexpected deaths of Canadians can be attributed solely to external factors unrelated to government actions and policies. It is likely that many such tragic deaths have been directly influenced by the impact of specific government measures and policies. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the broader context and explore all potential contributing factors when examining these cases.
Most importantly, it is crucial to allow for full public scrutiny and inquiry into all these tragedies. Transparency and open discussion are essential in order to fully understand and address the complexities surrounding these unexpected deaths and ensure the well-being and safety of all Canadians.
Legal implications related to purposefully concealing the truth related to informed decision making, leading to deaths.
In Canadian legal system, obstructing investigation into deaths of individuals is a criminal offence [1] and is forcing anyone to perform a medical procedure without informed consent[2].
[1] Criminal Code of Canada:
Section 139: Obstructing Justice - This section addresses the offense of obstructing, perverting, or defeating the course of justice. It includes actions such as interfering with the administration of justice, influencing a witness, and tampering with evidence.
Section 141: Breach of Trust by a Public Officer - This section deals with public officers who, in the course of their duties, willfully attempt to obstruct, pervert, or defeat the course of justice. It includes actions such as accepting bribes or corruptly influencing investigations.
[2] Criminal Code of Canada:
Section 265 (1)(3) – Assault, A person commits an assault when there is no consent
Hopp vs Lepp, 1980,
Informed consent medical. Summary: Consent must be made freely and information about the risks must be given. https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/2553/index.do
Parmley vs Parmley, 1945
R vs Ewanchuk, 1999
If no consent, then assault.
Summary: Where there is a threat of harm or reprisal or pressure from an authority there is no consent and therefore the act is assault. https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/1684/index.do
Additional sources that published about the PCO secret memo:
Clinical evidence of covid-vaccine causing cardiac arrests
Additional evidence of sudden deaths caused by COVID-19 vaccines:
Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in 2 Adolescents Following the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose
Autopsy Proven Fatal COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis