Sexuality Education and the WHO. Another reason to #ExitTheWHO.
Former UK Head Teacher, Hugh McCarthy, argues that World Health Organisation RSE 'guidelines' are polluting our classrooms with gender propaganda and pseudoscience based curriculum materials.
The portal briefly mentions the fact that the highly controversial Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) that is currently being promoted in all Canadian schools and that - nothing less - "seeks to change sexual and gender norms in children as early as possible" is supported by WHO and UN. This post aims to provide more in-depth details on this concerning matter.
The facts presented here are compiled by Hugh McCarthy, a recently retired UK head teacher, who unequivocally demonstrates the negative impact of WHO's guidelines and recommendations on children. McCarthy has published his findings on and has his own Substack. This serves as another crucial reason why citizens worldwide are now signing numerous petitions urging their governments to exit the WHO.
Below, you'll find several links and podcasts for a comprehensive understanding. I encourage you to read, listen, and engage in discussions with your neighbours and teachers who might not have signed the Canadian House of Commons petition yet. You may wish to clarify for them that signing this petition does not automatically result in an exit from WHO, as petitions do not have any binding effects on the government. However, if a substantial number of people sign, the petition may compel Canadian institutions, governments, and media to, at the very least, permit public debate and scrutiny of a topic deliberately avoided by mainstream Canadian media so far.
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