UPDATED WITH EYE-WITNESS STORY & VIDEO - The last day of Ottawa "People's" Commission on Convoy happens tomorrow. Don't miss it!
Find out how it is organized and come tomorrow 14-16:30 to support those who are not allowed to talk there.
Original post (2022-12-09)
Tomorrow is last day of Ottawa "People's" Commission on Convoy. This is the official version portal that is set up for this commission: www.opc-cpo.ca.
You will note they call it Convoy “Occupation” (i.e. using the same terminology as what Russia is doing to Ukraine now…) And this is how they do it: read the article in link below and watch video that is there:
I was quite speechless when I learnt that, so will go there tomorrow to watch it myself - luckily, it’s happening in my neighborhood. If you can, join me - come to watch it too and support the presenters that share your experience about Freedom Convoy . The address is at this poster below
UPDATE 2022-12-10 (See also UPDATE of 2022-12-15 with video below)
I was there. So I can tell you now what I have seen there with my own eyes.
Indeed, they did not allow anyone without the masks to be there (even though masks are not mandatory anywhere in public places in Ottawa today, as you know), thus filtering in only those whom they wanted to hear or be shown in public coverage of this event. CBC and Ottawa Citizen were there. Probably for the same reason. This is how they reported it tonight in Ottawa citizen.
So the only way to become speaker in this “open to everybody” hearing was to make a submission, in which you expressed you intent to criticize the Convoy*. This is what Danielle Mailhot, a school teacher, gentle French speaking resident of Center Ottawa did. And then she said everything she had in her heart - about Convoy and also about this so called “Ottawa People's Commission”. It was recorded. I doubt, you will hear about that in CBC, but you will soon in this newsletter (once Danielle’s friends who recorded her presentation add English subtitles and post it.)
Credits to Ottawa Citizen, they did quote one of Danielle’s statement -when she called Trucker Protestors “a delegation of people for the people", though para-phrasing it in their own way, of course, as shown in the image below taken from their article.

UPDATE 2022-12-15:
A video of Damielle Mailhot speaking at Ottawa People's Commission was made available on YouTube - from at OPC channel (starting from 16 min in video below - click on the image below). And it has been also made available with English subtitles and uploaded on Rumble at this link : https://rumble.com/v20ck6o-danielle-speaks-to-final-ottawa-peoples-commission-on-occupation.html. - It is great for learning French or English, and seeing how this humble and courageous woman delivers her poignant presentation. Enjoy!