Yale Lectures on the History of Ukraine. The meaning of the Remembrance Day: for Canada and Ukraine, back then and now.
Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine - every week new episode on YouTube. This week talking about 11/11/1918.
In one of the comments I received, an interest was expressed to learn more about the history of the Ukraine, especially in the context of its relationship with Russia.
This is something we, my relatives and friends in Ukraine and Russia, learnt quite a lot in schools from our history books, realizing though that these history books often showed rather different perspectives on the same historical events.
Here is however a version from Yale University. I think, this is the most unbiased version that I have come across. Hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.
Just this week they just started the 20st century, leading to the events of 11/11/2018 - which many of us know now because of Remembrance Day (‘Jour du Souvenir’ in French) . You may be surprised to learn though the difference in interpretation of this day for Western countries vs. for Ukraine and Russia. Enjoy.
Lest we forget. Let us remember also those who fought for our Freedoms and Liberties. This fight continues now. Here and there.