Wow you sure can trash the Russian narrative on the Ukraine! What about the loopy NATO narrative which is far worse?

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023Author

NATO is not the solution. But presently is the only way to defend against much more weaponized neighbor. If not for NATO, all Baltic republics would be there no longer they way they are now, nor Poland, or any other East European country that broke away from Russian (USSR) control.

Even if we are unhappy about how things are happening in Canada, WEF or NATO, we should not wish Ukraine become back part of Russia (read USSR), just because of that - especially if you personally never experienced yourself living there, in USSR (or North Korea) -

We here in Canada in EU are still way much more free and better off than they in Russia (or they who lived in USSR). Ukrainians simply wanted to have the same level of live quality as we here in Canada or EU.

It's tragic that such wish of the whole Ukrainian nation has become a playing card in the hands of politicians..

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Also, I see my mission is as not to preach to the preachers, but to try to reach those who see the life differently - or provide, at minimum, my own testimonials of what I know, hear or see here in Canada, and there in Ukraine and Russia. So thanks for keeping the dialog open.

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Hi Dmitri. We certainly have strong opinions on this. I would enjoy a debate on this anytime. I get that it that it's very unfortunate that your homeland - the Ukraine - is under attack. However NATO and the West take things to suit their designs is this is the result. Looking forward to that debate. And love your posts! https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/02/no_author/historic-year-ukraine-war-exposes-u-s-imperialism-as-foremost-global-threat/

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