"Heartbeats of People We Love" ("Стук сердець людей коханих") - Song Premiere. Plus, historical One Million March For Children is coming September 20, 2023 in Canada!
When times are hard, it's the heartbeats of people we love that keep us going forward...
UPDATE (27 September 2023):
OFFICIAL SONG VIDEO FOR "Стук сердець людей коханих" HAS BEEN RELEASED on YouTube! Enable CC to see lyrics translation in English or French
UPDATE (17 September 2023):
The story behind the song is published in this blog:
Quick update on Historical One Million March to protect our children from sexualization in schools
This is the time when all Canadians, from all ethnic and religious backgrounds, will unite to show their opposition to the rising totalitarism, propaganda and indoctrination of children in Canada.
Everyone in Canada is invited to participate in the September 20th nationwide 1MillionMarch4Children protest. This is a national event, so please share with everyone you know.
Here is the link to the 1MillionMarch4Children site: 1millionmarch4children.com. There you’ll find letter templates (for teachers, doctors, churches), as well as full list of events that are happening in your region on that day.
Related resource: https://www.theirreplaceableparentproject.ca/
See also a special post about this important event :
#1MillionMarch4Chidren vs. SOGI 123: What is what, and Who is Who ? - Collection of Twitter posts explaining it.
Main feature: "Heartbeats of People We Love" - Song Premiere
When times are hard, it's the heartbeats of people we love that keep us going forward...
Below is a pre-release preview of my new song. It has been published on Soundcloud and soon it will be appear on all other music platforms. Here it is provided for your comments. Your feedback will be used to guide me in my future composition and recordings endeavors.
It is in Ukrainian, but English and French translations are provided below. However, it is hoped that it will appeal to your hearts just as music - the kind that knows no linguistic borders.
The story behind the song is a special one...
Recently, I’ve made friends with several Ukrainian families who came as refugees to Ottawa. These are typically families with either three young children and both parents, or if with two or one young children and young mother (since men are not allowed to leave Ukraine unless for with 3+ children).
There are multiple common trends among all of them. Besides the fact that they all (even their young children) speak both Ukrainian and Russian, they all seem to possess a sense of humility, have a very subtle sense of humor and fragility, are very musical, love singing, love nature, love traditional family values, and they all miss their friends, grandparents, their spouses.
So, I really wanted to write a song for them and all those people - not only from Ukraine, who have been forced to separate and are now longing to see each other again.
So, this is how it started.
I’ve been working on it with friends who are still in Ukraine (Kharkiv, Odesa and Chernivtsi). They also witnessed the horror of the War in Ukraine firsthand, telling me stories of what they’ve been living through daily, longing for peace and to reunite with their families and friends. They helped me with the lyrics and production. They are now also making a video for it.
For the cover, we used a photograph showing the Monument of Lovers in Kyiv. This monument shows two people who have been separated during WWII and who finally met each other many years later.
“It was a moment of high emotions, tears, smiles and hugs; the moment, in 2004, when Luigi Peduto from Italy and Mokryna Yurzuk from Ukraine were reunited on Russian television. It was more than half a century after they first met in Austria in the Sankt Pölen forced labor camp in 1943.”
You can read more about this fascinating “European love story” in this DW article.
Listen "Heartbeats of People We Love" ("Стук сердець людей коханих")
On Soundcloud:
On YouTube:
LYRICS (Translation from Ukrainian):
"Heartbeats of People We Love"
Through truths and legends,
Where we areand where we've been,
Through mountains and avalanches,
Through the tumult of years / Through separations and longings,
Through darkness, through light,
Through winter, through summer,
Through trumpets and trembitas,
Through unrest and longing / Through hopes and love
Through the sounds of empty words,
Through walls of vanity,
Of deafness and blindness,
Through quarrels and offenses,
Individually or together,
Through our shared themes,
Through pains and problems,
And the ecstasy of reconciliation.
Through searches and hard work,
Through what we had reason for,
Through singing, songs, and dances,
Through harmony and faith,
Through the first rays of the sun,
Light in our window,
A verse that surfaced from the Universe,
Through happiness and trust.
Through countless crossroads,
Through what's better than...
Or, perhaps what’s worse than …,
Yet what people desire.
Through what we have now,
Through what we don't know,
What we've forgotten and will remember,
And what will soon be.
Through those different countries,
Across stormy oceans,
Where anchors were cast,
For us, guests in foreign temples,
It will come, it’ll resonate,
It will reach us and embrace us,
It will encompass and enrapture us,
The beat of beloved hearts!
Dear hearts of our closest people,
We cannot go without them,
Please beat even stronger,
Beat relentlessly and endlessly.
In you - there’s hope and blessing,
Shelter and greeting,
Roots and a beautiful bloom,
Everything that gives us strength!
PS. Why did I decide to put these two seemingly unrelated stories in one article?
It is very convenient for “some” to depict Ukraine and Ukrainians as a source, ally or puppet of Evil in the world-wide fight for Freedom. Just think about it…
It did not start in 2022 or even 2014. It started well before that. And not only in relationship of Russia with Ukraine, but also in its relationship with other “inconvenient”nighboring counties who wanted independence from Russia/USSR : Moldova, Georgia, Bultic republics
So why do you believe everything bad “they” say about Ukraine in Freedom-fighting forums?
Even if Ukraine is one of the most currupt countries in the world (especially under previous presidents)…
Even if Ukraine gets support from WEF - to build its digital ID program (which, by the way, is much loved by most Ukrainians - as it cut down on bribes and much illegal business that was happening there before)…
Even if Ukraine gets money and ammunition from the US and Canada (to defend the lives of its people) and applied for NATO status (without which it will be impossible for them to exist side by side with Russia, as it would have been for Latvia and other Baltic countries)…
Even if Trudeau and Biden are using Ukraine to boost their political points and even if they use “Winning communication Stategies” to hide truth about damaging effects of so-called Covid vaccines, which you know are not real vaccines and which do not stop the spread of infection but , on the opposite, make vaccinated more vulnarable to covid infection and which also cause heart problems in your children, leading to sudden deaths?
Even with all other external, Ukraine-unrelated national or global problems, why would you be rather prone to believe bad news about Ukraine than the good news about it ?
Just think about it… Who wants you to dislike Ukraine and Ukrainians ?
If you learnt to recognize state-funded propaganda in your countries, why don’t you realise that much of what’s negative you hear about Ukraine is coming from the Russian state-funded propaganda machine.
People in Ukraine have become hostages of world’s largest powers’ political games. In overwhelming majority, they are good people, with strong eithical and traditional family falues, who simply don’t want to become back part of the USSR again. And the only way not be taken by the much more militarized neighbouring country is to get help and weapons from elswheree so that they can shoot Russian missiles being fired into Ukraine from Russian ships and bases and drive the enemy away from within its borders - from whatever borders were established at some recent historical point.
Children in Ukraine have been suffering tremendously because of war - not less than chidren in Canada who suffered because of mandates, vaccines, depression, drugs, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity (SOGI).
So, as we fight in unity for our children in Canada, I hope we can also unite in support of children and their families in Ukraine. While fighting against totalitarianism, propaganda, and indoctrination of our children here in Canada, we can also show support for Ukrainians to help them end the war.
Hence the question:
In the war between Russian and Ukraine, which side do you support?
I've launched a new substack called MIVI.substack.com, which will focus on what's happening in my artistic and spiritual life. This is a departure from my existing substack, IVIM.substack.com, which will remain focused on what's happening in Canada and worldwide. In MIVI blog, you will find more stories about the new song and my collaborations in the world of music, sports and social life.