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I have appreciated all your work to make the data accessible to us. I am disappointed to hear you are censored from what you say by your employer. I'm curious if you agree with your employer that they have a right to censor you and why you feel that is appropriate and democratic.

It is my understanding you are not speaking about your own employer or sensitive work material, you were simply making understandable data that is ours to see. I was born in Canada and have never witnessed such a widespread assault on our democracy by technocrats.

I loudly fight against all threats to our democracy. I do not accept these unconstitutional censorship rules coming from our government and corporations. Two of my own family members have lost their careers over unconstitutional mandates. One happened two weeks ago. In both cases Canadian corporations were allowed to dictate continual compliance to an experimental mrna trial as a perquisite to employment. Their body autonomy is not for sale and they are shocked their employer is legally allowed to dictate experimental medical procedures. With the new knowledge we have on the risk from the virus and the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA shots this should be criminal.

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