"They want more souls, I want less on the planet"- from a conversation with Sadhguru at the World Economic Forum's Summit in 2019
Lets count how many excess deaths happened since then... Maybe that's why many Canadians (including Alberta premier) are wary about WEF influence on decisions of our Gov'ts?
Please revisit this article in ivim.substack.com - for more details related to the number of excess deaths in Canada and other countries since 2019.
"They want more souls, I want less on the planet" - This quote is from a conversation with Sadhguru at the World Economic Forum's Summit in 2019, which you can watch below (starting from 2’40’’ mark to 3’15’’). Appendix A below provides transcript.
I realize that no quote should be used outside of the context. But since I do not know in which context it was said - except that the J. Carl Ganter , speaking on behalf of WEF, is thanking Sadhguru for his “frankness” in “bringing up some issues that others are” [not comfortable talking about], I may think only about what I hear…
And I really wonder what they are actually talking about there ? Does whatever happened in the world since then - e.g., the arrival of the new virus, declaration of pandemic, all pandemic measures (lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, etc), sex transformation initiatives for children (about which I posted last week), and finally, the war in my home country, Ukraine - have anything to do with what they were discussing there at WEF in 2019?
Indeed, the world is experiencing increase in deaths (especially among young populations) not seen since WW2, and not only in Ukraine - because of Russian military invasion into the country, which you’ll hear much about on your official channels; but also here in Canada [as reported by Statistics Canada’s Excess mortality dashboard, shown in Appendix B] , as well as in other countries [see excess mortality dashboards for England, US (also here for all ages) and Australia, shown in Appendix C ] - because of some unknown causes, which (for whatever strange reasons) you will not hear about on your official channels.
Does it all (and specifically, the significant increase in excess deaths in past year) have anything to do with the WEF agenda or what they were discussing there ?
And you know what? - While I cannot answer the above questions , I think I do know now why so many Canadians (including Alberta premier) are quite wary about WEF influence on decisions of our Governments. Do you?
And - as I mentioned in My Blueprint issue - I also know now why quite many people in Canada and around the globe are on the Russia’s side now - seeing it as fighting against WEF, not just Ukraine. And this (i.e., seeing Russia as fighting against WEF) is really so unfortunate for Ukrainians and Russians, the vast majority of whom don’t have a clue what “WEF” stands for and who are being killed and traumatized for life by the horrors of this ongoing cruel war launched by Russia. This is particular sad and ironic, because this premise (that Russia fights against WEF in Ukraine) is so far from reality as can be seen from this article, for example (“10 Reasons to Question the ‘Putin vs Davos/ World Economic Forum’ Narrative”) or from the very fact and this premise has become popularized - by Russian channels naturally - coincidentally with beginning of invasion of Russia into Ukraine this year, whereas the history of Russia’s using brutal force to deal with “Ukrainian question” (Ukraine as a nation and independent country) goes back to previous centuries.
So, whatever J. Carl Ganter and Sadhguru were discussing about during the WEF forum in 2019, is there something we could do here in Canada to avoid further escalation of the Russia vs. Ukraine conflict and slow down the reduction of souls on this planet which has accelerated since 2019 ?
I think there’s definitely at least one thing that can and should do. - It is to allow people to express their concerns, and to make sure our official media channels address those concerns too (such as those related to the recent significant increase of excess deaths, especially among young Canadians), instead of ignoring these concerns and thus igniting further protests and polarization of our society. Do you agree?
Appendix A: Video transcript
J. Carl Ganter (WEF spokesman): So in the session that we have just attended here at the economic forum, I think there is a sense of relief actually in your frankness. You brought up some issues that others are [not comfortable talking about]…
Sadhguru: That’ s my trouble. Always. All the religious groups are against me, because I’m talking about population. They want more souls, I want less on the planet"
Appendix B : Screenshots from ‘Provisional deaths and excess mortality in Canada dashboard’ published by Statistics Canada
Source: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2021028-eng.htm
Note the two graphs that are on in the page are interactive. They are not very easy to understand but still are good enough allow you to track the deaths statisics over time for any province, year and age group (using the menus on the top of the graph and interactive selections at the bottom of the graph - see images below).
Additionally, the same data is also visualized in the Open Canada Vital Statistics Tracker Web App that is accessible from : https://open-canada.github.io/vitals/app. You’ll likely find this App more convenient than the one provided on the official StatCan site at link above. It also allows you to track the causes of deaths and measure the difference between the current and historic number of deaths.
Do your own calculations, if interested, to find out how exactly more people in each age group died in 2021-2022, compared to 2020-2021, and to 2018-2019.
As can be seen from StatCan data visualized below using the Open Canada Vital Statistics Tracker App, COVID deaths count only for a fraction of excess deaths. Most causes for excess deaths are reported as unknown:
You can count yourself how many more people were dying weekly in Canada and in each province between 2020 and 2022 (red line), compared to 2018-2019 average (black line). Or you can use the same App to count it for you - as shown below.
You can also note that different provinces have different delay in reporting deaths data as well as different dynamics in the early vs. later months of pandemic.
Interesting, ah? And why don’t you hear about all those many Canadians dying from unknown reason on radio?
How many of them dies since the beginning of this year?
Based on StatCan data - around 300-500 in average every week, all age combined.
Times 40 weeks till this October, gives you a total of 10,000-20,000 .
Appendix C: Screenshots from Excess mortality dashboards in other countries
Source: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities PowerBI Dashboard
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm (Tableau dashboard)
https://usmortality.com/deaths/weekly (for children):
While government officials and official mains stream media (SMS) do not talk about the surprisingly high numbers excess deaths observed in many countries in the last year - because of some unknown reasons, they do talk alot about deaths in Ukraine and the devastation there , don’t they?
If you want to learn about increase in deaths in your own country, watch independent news sources, for example - from independent health professionals like Dr. John Campbell (e.g. here)
However don’t believe everything independent news sources might be saying either (e.g. Fox news) - in particular about Ukraine (like it is bombing its own cities), Zelensky etc.
If you are in Canada, Vote against Bill C-11 which will make it much harder for independent news sources to exist
And regardless of your attitude towards official narratives, what they say about the deaths and devastation of Ukraine is actually very close to what is actually happening. Show opposition to Russian’s invasion to Ukraine