Short description:
Senior Data Scientist with two PhDs (Math & CompSci) and 20+ years of experience working with the GC, including in manager’s position and extensive experience in vendor products performance evaluation, developer of Open Canada Deaths Tracker App, is doing his part to seek and defend the truth, sharing occasionally his poetry and music. More:
Disclaimer: Everything that is posted in this newsletter represents author's own opinion and experiences and in no way can be perceived as representing the views, opinions of any government, academic or industry organization. For the same reason and also to prevent finding my name on these pages by search engines, I’m not showing it in this newsletter anywhere, but show my initials (DG) only. You’ll be able to find it by following the links.
Welcome to the “Who can tell me the truth ? (I+V+I=M)” newsletter
Have you ever asked yourself the following questions:
Who can tell me the truth - regarding the sudden deaths of young Canadians that started with COVID-19 vaccination?
Who can tell me the truth - about the devastating effect of COVID mandates on many Canadian families?
Who can tell me the truth - about the origin of COVID pandemic and everything else that followed?
If you did, you will agree that the answers to these questions clearly cannot be obtained from those whose actions (or inaction) led to the tragic outcomes listed above. In fact, those organizations and individuals whose actions (or inaction) led to the tragic outcomes listed above would be exactly the ones most interested in hiding the truth from general public.
This is why I am doing my part and hope to inspire you to do yours to seek and defend the truth yourself.
Who am I?
I am Ukrainian-born Data Scientist with two PhDs (Math & CompSci), with extensive experience in data analysis of vendor products’ performance (in the field of Biometrics and Automated Border Control - see my reports in links provided) and over twenty years of experience working with the Government of Canada. I am also the author of several Open Canada Web Apps, notably Canada Vital Statistics (Deaths) Tracker, and multiple scientific innovations. Through this newsletter, my aim is to seek and defend the truth.
What sets this newsletter apart from many others on is the fact that its author is still working with GC. As such, he has to be very careful with what he writes to make sure that he does not violate his employer’s Code of Value and Ethics, in particular, the clause quoted below:
5.2. Public Criticism of the CBSA and/or the Government of Canada:
We refrain from making public criticisms of the CBSA and/or the Government of Canada including posting critical comments on social media fora.
This clause often leads Government employees to maintain silence regarding Government activities. It also contributes to the existence of a subculture and information bubble within the Government, where individuals may not perceive the world in the same way as those outside of it. While the people within this bubble are typically kind and friendly, their primary sources of news are often direct government communications and legacy mainstream media.
Therefore, based on the data evidence I have observed and drawing from my personal experiences growing up in the USSR, I have come to the realization that remaining silent is not an option. It is imperative that I speak out to assist both my country and my employer in safeguarding scientific integrity and the fundamental right of all Canadians to life security. Leveraging data analytics and the democratic foundations of our country, I endeavour to support governments in promoting transparency, accountability, and resilience against political and industry interference.
My vision
We reside in a remarkable country with strong foundations, sound policies, a robust legal system, and democratic processes that uphold our nation's glory and freedom. However, at times, we may struggle to leverage these resources effectively.
Too often, we often lack access to all the information necessary to make optimal decisions for ourselves and our nation due to external entities attempting to conceal it from us, and our own limitations in time and expertise to uncover it independently.
Yet, by fostering open communication and sharing our skills and visions with one another, we empower ourselves to spiritually growth and contribute to the betterment of our country.
My networks
As a data scientist, I got connected with data scientists who built various data visualization Apps that scrutinize the “safe and effective”marketing slogan of the medical product that has been pushed on everyone by Big Pharma, notably with developers of,,,,, and others.
As an Ottawa (National Capital Region) resident, I got also connected with many local groups who came together during the hardest years of their life, kicked out of their jobs and normal life by mandates and hate campaigns launched against them by mainstream media. A large portion of my subscribers are from these groups. I personally know many of them and their life stories. Because of my parental and community involvements, I meet many neighbours, parents and professionals from local schools, clubs, health communities. Many of them are subscribers of my newsletters too.
As a concerned Canadian, I also got connected to many nation-wide initiatives aimed to defend the truth and restore transparency and accountability in the country, such as,,,,,,,,,,, and others.
As a one of the leading and most published government researchers, and instructor of data science seminars offered to all public servants, I am also well connected with my professional and my co-workers networks. Being Adjunct Professor at three Canadian universities, where I led several joined project and supervised many students, also as a graduate of University of Alberta in Edmonton, I have also many friends and colleagues in all those institutions.
Recently (April 2024), I was also elected to the Executive Board of the Professional Institute Public Service Canada (PIPSC). This gives me an opportunity to influence the priorities and activities of this one of the largest unions in Canada. You can read more about this election and and what I will try to achieve in my new role with the Union in the post below.
Finally, as a graduate of Kyiv lyceum in Ukraine and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in Russia, I keep close connections with my alma-mater, friends and relatives in both of these countries.
Why IVIM ?
IVIM is the name of the company that I founded with my wife back in 2007 to commercialize the Nouse "Nose as Mouse" technology which I have developed at the National Research Council of Canada. (You can learn more about this technology from the website or simply by Googling "Nouse mouse"). The term IVIM was thus coined to signify Intelligent Vision Interfaces Machines, which are the machines that use Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision to enable people to do extraordinary things and of which Nouse was an example. This is how the domain name has been acquired back then and the original portal came to be until the Pandemic.
With the launch of the Pandemic, IVIM adopted a new meaning - Independently Verified Information Machines. These refer to the Web Apps (Machines) which I started developing in 2021 as part of my data science training in effort to make better use of the growing amount of Open Data, including on the topics of high interest to my government colleagues featured in
Now, IVIM simply stands for the visual illusion IVI = M, which I can rephrase as following:
“Sometimes what you see or what you are told is different from what it actually is”.
In other words:
Think for yourself, Distinguish News Gathering from Propaganda,
Remain true to your values and who you are.
Popular Articles
To get a feel of kind of articles that I publish, you can start from these few:
“Police Hero Award” Nomination Letter for Detective Helen Grus.
You can also read related substack: “Cracking down on Hate Science” by Regina Watteel (PhD. Statistics), who is the author of the “Fisman’s Fraud” book and my colleague in defending the truth.
For other popular articles, please go
Some poetry and music
Who ?
(Anthem for the new generation)
Who can tell me the truth?
Who can show me the way?
Who can bring from the darkness
A ray of hope and brighten my day?
Who can help ease my mind,
Face with a smile ups and downs?
Who can remain calm and kind
Despite heavy storms that are raging around?
Who can I hear the music
That I compose every night?
Who has wisdom and courage
To say what is wrong and to do what is right?
Another day’s gone, gone forever.
A beautiful present wrapped in autumn leaves
Was given to me and once again left unopened. -
No one was saved, no one was set free.
I saw in my dreams there is a land far from here,
Where people are governed not by money but love.
Who can show me the way how to get there
To this happy land I've been dreaming of?
I'm ready to start a new journey.
And leave all the comfort and worries behind.
Hey, who is there willing to join me
In search of the answers that are so hard to find?
Who could give me a hug?
Who can look straight into my eyes,
Not from the holes in a mask,
Not from the screen of an electronic device?
Who can go with me for a walk
To watch the sunset and the stars shining bright?
Who can hold my hand and allow me to talk
So I can let out everything that is burning inside?
Love is stronger than fear
Trust has more value than gold.
Who can bring it back, have the good news to share ?
Who can think for themselves, not what they’ve been told?
Who can speak up for the others
Who have no voice anywhere,
Who suffer in silence,
Losing hope, falling into despair?
Who won't allow this to happen?
Who can discern evil from good?
Who will lead by example
Helping the helpless like everyone should?
Who is ready to stand up
And let the healing begin?
Who will defy propaganda?
Will open the windows and let the fresh air in?
Maybe it’s you?
Recited by the author:
Official music lyrics video:
Extended version of this video with official death statistics among young since 2022 is available on the “Who can tell me the truth?” portal:
The story behind the poem and the song
I have finished this poem in April 2023, after working on it for several months. It’s about everything I’ve been feeling about over the past few years….
[Read full story on the “Who can tell me the truth?” portal at]